Hāwea Flat School has an enrolment scheme in place.  This means that families living within our home zone are automatically able to attend.

The BOT determines how many places are available for out of zone students and this is advertised at the end of every year.  Should the number of applications exceed the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot according to Ministry of Education guidelines.

We have no out of zone places available in 2025 and are very unlikely to have any in 2026 due to growth from within our  home zone. 

Home Zone 

All students who live within the home zone described below and shown on the map below shall be entitled to enrol at the school. 

The home zone is as follows:

From the outlet of the Clutha River at Beacon Point follow the right 

hand side of Lake Wanaka from the Peninsula up to and including the road on Minaret Station at Minaret Bay then across Lake Wanaka to the junction of the Hunter Valley Road and the Neck where it meets the road at the edge of Lake Wanaka. 

From the Hunter Valley Station in a straight line to Dingle Burn Station. 

From Dingle Burn Station in a straight line to Trig Hill. 

From Trig Hill along Glenfoyle Road to where it meets with Luggate Tarras Road (SH 8A) and follow a straight line to the Clutha River. Follow the Clutha River south to Gladsmuir Road. Along Gladsmuir Road to Luggate Cromwell Road (SH 6). North along Luggate Cromwell Road (SH 6) to Wanaka Luggate Highway (SH 6), including all side streets and roads. North along Wanaka Luggate Highway (SH 6) to Luggate Tarras Road 

(SH 8A). 

Turn right onto Luggate Tarras Road (SH 6) and along to the Clutha 


Then follow the Clutha River to the outlet at Beacon Point. 

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.