In the event of your child being absent, you are required to contact the school prior to the start of the day (9am) and notify office staff of the reason. Messages can be left on (03) 443 1467 or via the ETAP app. A daily check is made on unexplained absences. It is important to remember that once a child is enrolled in school, they are legally required to attend on a daily basis. Poor attendance can contribute to poor achievement.
After school care
There are several options locally for after school care and activities. For all of these, please contact the provider directly to arrange for your child. This is not done through the school.
Wanaka Kids Club ( - after school care Monday to Friday at Wanaka Primary School. Kids Club staff pick children up from Hāwea Flat School at 2.45pm and then you pick your child up from Wanaka at the end of the session.
After school activities
Aspiring Ballet School - classes held in the Hāwea Flat Community Hall, over the road from school. Contact Aspiring Ballet School via Facebook or phone 022 614 7957.
Hāwea Karate - held in the Hāwea Flat Community Hall, over the road from school. Contact via Facebook or phone 027 323 6974.
Aspiring Trampolining – classes held in Patridge Road, Hāwea Flat. Contact via Facebook or
Whole school and syndicate assemblies are an opportunity to celebrate student successes and share class activities. Parents/caregivers are very welcome to attend. Assembly information will be noted on the weekly newsletter.
See communication.
The Board of Trustees, as the school’s governing authority, is responsible for ensuring the school complies with all relevant laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees (BOT) decides matters of school policy and supports the principal and management team in its day-to-day management of the school.
The full Board meets each month at 7.00 pm in the school meeting room. Dates are advertised in the school newsletter. All parents are welcome to attend.
2024 BOT Members
Corey Wilson Presiding member chairperson@hā
Tania Pringle Principal principal@hā
Michelle Fulford Staff Rep michellebot@hā
Sian Watts Secretary sianw@hā
Aaron Johnstone aaronbot@hā
Mark Chatterton markbot@hā
Alex Walton alexbot@hā
Julia Cragg juliabot@hā
The school controls four bus routes, namely –
● Luggate
● Lake Hāwea
● Timsfield
● Cemetery Road
Children must travel on the bus they are eligible for as directed by the school. Children are not permitted to switch buses. A high standard of behaviour is expected from the pupils while travelling on buses.
Children are to remain seated (where possible) throughout the journey. Waiting for the bus, children should wait clear of the roadside. After getting off, children must wait until the bus has departed before moving away from the identified safe spot. Children are supervised until the bus departs from school.
If parents collect bus children from school, or alter any arrangement, you need to ensure children are removed from the bus list before lunchtime each day and inform the office staff. A conveyance allowance is a payment made directly to a caregiver's nominated bank account to contribute to the cost of transporting a student to school, or in some instances a bus stop. Students may be eligible if there isn't a school bus available, or they live more than 2.4km from the nearest school bus route. Please contact the school office if you would like an application form for the conveyance allowance. Details of times and each bus route can be obtained from the office.
The majority of written communication between home and school will be via the ETAP App.
This app allows you to keep the school up-to-date with family contact details, report your child’s absence, access the school newsletter, view their school report, view your child’s shared work and access your account details.
Please download the app via the below link or refer to the separate instruction document:
Cycling to School
The school strongly recommends only children 9 years and older cycle to school alone. This is based upon NZ Police recommendations. These guidelines also stipulate that a child can only cycle to school if their parents/caregivers are confident that their child is able to do so safely. Helmets must be worn and must be fitted correctly. Bikes are to remain in the bike racks while at school.
During term 4, school runs a biking bus with the support of parents. Info will be shared in the newsletter.
Contacting the School/Concerns and Complaints
We value and welcome discussion and contact with parents and caregivers about their child. We believe that by working together, our students are positively supported and can make the most of their opportunities.
We welcome any queries and concerns, no matter how big or small, that you may have about the school, your child and their learning and will endeavour to provide you with an answer as soon as possible after hearing from you. If you have a query or concern about your child’s class or work, or about social or behaviour problems, you should first contact the class teacher and discuss the matter with them.
If you are not satisfied with the answer provided or the action taken by the teacher, you should make an appointment to discuss the matter with the associated team leader and then with the principal if needed.
A copy of the complaints and concerns flow diagram is included in your information pack.
Dental Clinic
Dental care is free to all students under the age of 18. All school dental therapists are based at Wanaka Primary School, situated at 7 Ironside Drive in Wanaka. If you have concerns about your child’s teeth or for urgent problems with your child’s dental health, you can contact the Dental Hub by phone (03) 443 7185.
If your child has an accident that involves their teeth, it is recommended you register this with ACC for future cove. To do this you need to take your child to an “adult dentist”, not the school dental therapists.
Education Outside the Classroom
Trips/camps are an integral part of the curriculum. There will be a variety of opportunities during your child’s time at Hāwea Flat School. The skills the children develop during these trips/camps often cannot be gained inside a classroom and are beneficial. Where the activity involves costs to parents, a letter will be sent home in advance in detail. Payment for school camps is required before departure, unless a payment plan has been arranged with the school. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if finance may prevent your child from taking part in an EOTC activity.
Parents are encouraged to assist with these programmes. Often more parents than required volunteer to go on overnight camps and generally in these situations, parents are drawn ‘out of the hat’ to attend.
Parents/caregivers who wish to enrol their children in school can do so by arranging an appointment with the principal, through the office. Where the child is a new entrant, it is recommended this be done some weeks prior to the expected start date.
Hāwea Flat School operates a cohort entry policy, which allows new entrants (after they turn five) to start school in cohort groups on the first day of the term, or at a mid-point during the term, rather than individually on each child’s 5th birthday. We feel cohort entry allows new entrants an easier transition to school and helps them build relationships with their fellow new entrants and other students already in the class. Leading up to the entry of a cohort, the school will run a transition to school programme. This programme runs for part of a day once a week, for approximately 5 weeks prior to your child starting. During this time the children work with a teacher, focusing on getting ready for school as well as class visits.
Once a child is formally enrolled at school, they must attend school regularly. Children must be enrolled in school by their 6th birthday.
When enrolling their child, parents are reminded they must bring their child’s birth certificate and immunisation certificates with them.
Extra-Curricular Activities
There are various after school care options, activities and sports available for children from Hāwea Flat School to take part in. For further information, please ask at the school office and keep a watch out in the school newsletter and on the school Facebook page.
Hāwea Flat School runs a Facebook page as a way to share and celebrate some of the wonderful things happening at our school. This is a private/managed group page. To join, please search Hāwea Flat School on Facebook, ensure you complete the questions and send a membership request.
Financial Assistance
As a school, we understand that there are times when finances are tight. There are various options for payment of school related costs. Please contact the office to discuss these options, which include automatic payments. For all information regarding your financial requirements please refer to :
Friends of Hāwea Flat School (Formally the PTA)
Hāwea Flat School has a very energetic Friends group who work in close liaison with the school. In recent years this group has worked to fund the purchase of a wide range of things that have enhanced the facilities/programmes used by the students.
The continuation of this enthusiastic group is dependent on your support. If you are willing to assist, please contact the school office for more information or contact the Friends Secretary via email: friends@hā
Homework at Hāwea Flat School consists of reading each night and at times having spelling words to learn. On occasion, students may bring home class work they have not completed during class time.
Hot Lunches
There are food warming facilities available during Terms 2 and 3 so children can have a hot lunch. Food items need to be in a heat-proof wrapper with the child’s name and room number on it and be given to their teacher at the beginning of the day.
Ideal items include pies, pizza and toasties. Do not send items that include chicken, as food is only heated to a child-safe temperature.
We recommend the use of silicone pouches instead of tinfoil for heating food. These can be purchased from the school office.
Any child injured at school or who is feeling unwell is sent to the medical room/office to be attended by the person in charge.
If a child is to be sent home, parents are phoned and arrangements made for the child to be collected. Under no circumstances are sick children sent home unaccompanied, nor would they be left at home on their own.
If a child urgently requires the attention of a doctor, the school will notify the child’s parents. If contact is unable to be made, we will take the child to the doctor.
Before using the computers in the school, all staff and students are required to read and agree to the school cyber safety agreement. This is done upon enrolment.
Upon enrolment, students will be allocated an email address that will allow them to access the school calendars, files, etc, through Gmail. They will also be allocated a logon to the school google drive. This will allow students to continue work at home.
Screen time is very limited for junior students, and for all other children, is restricted to learning situations only.
By law, all enrolled students must attend school during its open hours. At Hāwea Flat School this is 9.00am to 2.45 pm. Hāwea Flat firmly believes that a child should arrive at least 15 minutes before the morning lessons begin at 9 am. This gives the child an opportunity to prepare both mentally and physically for the school day. Lateness is not only disrupting for the child but for their class and teacher as well. If a child arrives late, they must visit the school office to sign in before heading to class.
Learning Support
Hāwea Flat aims to meet each student’s academic, social and physical needs. Often to do this we offer extension, adaptive programmes or extra help. You will be notified if your child is involved in this. Dana Smith oversees all learning support at Hāwea Flat School
The school library is fully computerised and contains a wide range of books and resources. Children will visit the library weekly as part of their classroom programmes. Parents can assist by ensuring children return books to school. There will be charges for the replacement of books not returned.
Lost Property
It is essential that all clothing and personal items are clearly named. All items of found property are placed in the wooden box outside the Room 8 building. At the end of each term, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
We have a healthy food policy in place, where we encourage children to bring healthy food options for snacks and lunch. Children are expected to eat their sandwiches (or equivalent) and fruit before going to play at lunchtime. We discourage foods that are processed and have a high sugar content and sweets / lollies are not permitted at school. Teachers do check lunch boxes before letting the children go to play. We request NO peanut butter to be used due to high allergy concerns at the school. Whole nuts are fine.
We are a water only school. If a child brings juice, etc, they will be asked not to drink it until after school. Children need to have a water bottle at school at all times.
Should your child be required to take medication during school hours, the school must be advised and the appropriate consent form completed. Medication must be handed in to the school office and it will be administered from there as needed.
Internet banking is the preferred option when money needs to be paid to the school for outings and activities, etc. The school bank account information is: Hāwea Flat School, 02 0900 0000647 00. Please always quote your child's name as a reference and what the payment is for in the code field.
Newsletters are an important way of communicating with each family and are sent out on a Wednesday. These are emailed via Mailchimp. To subscribe to the newsletter emails, go to the newsletter tab on the school website and click subscribe. www.hā
A link to the school newsletter can also be found on the ETAP app.
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences (Learning Korero)
The purpose of these conferences is to share and discuss your child’s development, progress and achievement. These are booked via an online system and notice will be sent when bookings are open, prior to the conference dates.
Opportunities for conferences will be early Term 1 and mid-year. During each conference, it is hoped goals for your child will be agreed upon. Teachers are available to discuss your child’s progress outside of these scheduled times – please contact the office to arrange a time. Staff are also available after school each day to discuss day-to-day activities.
Personal Property
Toys, smart watches, cell phones, MP3 players and personal equipment must remain at home. These items can cause frictions and distractions at school. The school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of any item bought to school. Children who need to bring a cell phone for use after school should hand it into the office prior to the beginning of the day and collect it again at 2.45pm.
School photos are taken by a professional photographer on an annual basis, usually in Term 4. Parents will be notified prior to this taking place.
Public Health Nurse
A Public Health Nurse visits the school on a regular basis. If you would like an appointment with them, you can do this through the school office or contact the Public Health Service directly.
Reporting to Parents
In addition to parent/student/teacher conferences, children receive written reports twice a year. These are both summative and informative reports, that focus on progress and next steps for your child.
School Hours
The school hours are as follows: -
9 am Classes commence for the day.
10.40 -11am Morning Interval
12.45 – 1.30 pm Lunch Break
2.45 pm Classes finish
The school office is open during the following times: -
Monday 8.30 – 3.30 pm
Tuesday 8.30 – 3.30 pm
Wednesday 8.30 – 3.30 pm
Thursday 8.30 – 3.30 pm
Friday 8.30 – 3.30 pm
Scholastic Book Club
Once a term, pamphlets are distributed to children advertising suitable books for your child. If you wish to order any of these, please order online at Scholastic using the LOOP system before the closing date. Parents are under no obligation to purchase any books.
School Donations + Fees
While education in New Zealand is 'free' to children attending school, the reality is that schools do not receive sufficient funding to provide everything that we wish the children to experience. Due to our equity index number, we don't receive as much funding from the Ministry of Education as schools with a higher equity index. The BOT sets an annual budget based on the priorities identified in the strategic plan and allocates funds accordingly. For the budget to balance, the BOT relies on income from other sources, e.g. grants and donations from individuals or organisations.
The BOT is asking for families to help off-set some of the cost of activities that enhance children’s learning, by way of a donation. The recommended amount is $120 per child for the year or $200 per family. This equates to $30 per term or $3 per week.
You can claim tax credits back from making a school donation. This is 33 cents in every dollar paid. Effectively, this means if you pay $120 donation to the school you get $40 back. Follow the link to find out more.
This donation will appear on your school account – payment is voluntary.
School Ski Programme
The school offers an optional 5-week ski/snowboard programme during Term 3 each year. This is run in conjunction with Cardrona, Treble Cone and Snow Farm ski fields. Further information on this is sent home closer to the time.
To attend this programme, you will need to transport your own child to and from the mountain each week.
Student stationery can be purchased online via the School Packs website.
Simply select Hāwea Flat School and your child’s year group for details of what they will need.
We recommend that you cover your child’s exercise books. This protects them and extends their life. Children are expected to take pride in the presentation of their books and graffiti and writing on covers will not be tolerated.
Student Records/Information
For emergency use, the school maintains files of all pupils, addresses, telephone
numbers and medical information. Should any of these change, please notify the school office. You can also update these details yourself by going onto the ETAP app.
Daily swimming is part of the curriculum in Term 1, until the pool closes. Children are asked to bring their togs and towel each day during this time. Due to the size of the pool, swimming at school is about water confidence and having fun in the water.
During the year each class will take part in one week of water safety and swimming lessons at Wānaka Recreation Centre.
Parent help for swimming lessons is always appreciated. Over the past couple of years we have also been able to source funds to subsidise a week of swimming lessons at the Wanaka pool during Terms 2 or 3.
Sun Smart
Hāwea Flat School is a sun accredited school with a Sun Smart policy, which requires all children to wear hats when outside during Terms 1 and 4. These must be bucket or wide brimmed hats or a cap with a flap on the back. Children who do not wear appropriate hats must play in a set shady area.
While we do have sunscreen available for use, we encourage children to have their own in their bag.
Term Dates 2024
Term One: 31 January – 12 April
Term Two: 29 April – 5 July
Term Three: 22 July – 27 September
Term Four: 14 October – 18 December
(The final date may alter throughout the year)
Public Holidays 2024
5 February – School closed
6 February - Waitangi Day observed
25 March - Otago Anniversary
29 March – Good Friday
31 March – Easter Sunday
1 April – Easter Monday
2 April – Easter Tuesday
25 April – ANZAC day
3 June – King’s Birthday
28 June - Matariki
23 October – Labour Day
Teacher Only Days 2024
Friday 31 May
Friday 25 October
All visitors are required to sign in at the office at the beginning of their visit to the school. This includes parents dropping off or collecting their children between 8.45am and 2.45pm.
Visiting Artists
When the opportunity arises, the school welcomes approaches from visiting groups as an opportunity to enrich the children culturally. Some examples include visiting drama and Kapa haka groups. Payment for these is shared where possible, between the school and parents.
Our website can be found at www.hā
Whanau Groups
The school runs a whanau group system similar to a traditional school house-group system. On enrolment, students are placed in one of 4 whanau groups:
Hōanga - Red
Kiripaka - White
Pounamu - Green
Tūhua – Black
The whanau groups are named after the four main types of rock traditionally used or found in our area. The whanau colours reflect the colours of the rocks.
These groups provide support across year levels for our students, as well as providing opportunities for some friendly competition. Students can earn points for their whanau group by taking part in different activities and by upholding the school values.